More information regarding our cross-cultural project investigating the relationship between memory and forgiveness, upcoming events related to this project, and collaborators on this project can be found here.
The Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy, also known as SSNAP, is a two-week program aimed at fostering interdisciplinary collaborations among graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and professors in philosophy and neuroscience. After receiving intensive training in each others' fields, fellows form teams to develop a research project bridging their disciplines. To see what's been done so far, click here. SSNAP is co-directed by Felipe De Brigard and Walter-Sinnott Armstrong, and is supported by the Templeton Foundation and the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences. Visit ssnap.net or @Duke_SSNAP on Twitter for more information.
The IMC Lab GitHub hosts scripts used by the lab to generate stimuli, run experiments, and perform analyses.
'Founded in 2018, the Centre for Philosophy of Memory is associated with the Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble at the Université Grenoble Alpes. Members of the CPM publish research on all aspects of the philosophy of memory, organize events, host visitors, and participate in national and international networks.'
'A toolkit for building a better mind,' Wi-Phi's mission is to introduce people to the practice of philosophy by making videos that are freely available in a form that is entertaining, interesting and accessible to people with no background in the subject. Former graduate student Paul Henne serves as Associate Director of the project, and has created a number of videos explaining his work in lab and related issues in philosophy.
"Bass Connections bridges the classroom and the world beyond the university, giving students from all of Duke’s schools a chance to tackle complex societal problems alongside our superb faculty. We support research teams that draw on perspectives and methods from multiple disciplines, as well as robust engagement with communities, stakeholders and decision-makers." Under the guidance of Felipe, Roberto Cabeza, and graduate student Matt Stanley, a group of undergraduates were awarded funds to conduct independent research on memory and reasons in moral decision making.
Meta-Meta Resources is a compilation of meta-resources for doing cognitive neuroscience curated by a friend of the lab, Jack Dolgin with some help from past lab manager Ari Khoudary.